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Separating the living quarters from the sleeping quarters is an important part of the brief for this young and busy family.

The public space of the living area is housed in a glass pavilion using minimal structure.

The pavilion is designed in the true sense of the word: surrounded by gardens, terraces and breezeways allowing in the bay environment, the sun, the air and the views.

The design attempts to blur the boundary between the inside and the outside whilst maintaining a strong sense of distinction between privacy and openness.

Completed 2012


  • Houses Awards 2013: Finalist New house over 200m2 award
  • Interior Design Excellence Awards 2013: Shortlisted Single residential award
  • Australian Interior Design Awards 2013: Shortlisted Residential design award

Photography:  Murray Fredericks

Renato D'Ettorre Architects
New South Wales
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Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
Link House, Sydney
##Link House, Sydney

Professionals used in
Link House, Sydney

About the

Practice Background

Renato D’Ettorre Architects is a small firm of architects capable of undertaking residential high-end projects.  We achieve this by having a core team and sourcing team members when projects call for extras at the documentation stages.

Renato is the Creative Director and is responsible for all conceptual designs, with a rigorous review at each stage of the project.

In 2011, Solis on Hamilton Island receive the AIA “National Architecture Award for Residential Architecture”, the most significant residential architecture award in Australia, along with the “Robin Dods Award for Residential Architecture” from the Queensland Chapter of the AIA.

GB House, Sydney was the recipient of the coveted AIA “Wilkinson Award”; in 2019, the most significant residential architecture prize was awarded in the state of NSW.

In 2021, the international publication, Platform included GB House in the “Best International Houses” Design Festival exhibition in Venice, Italy in conjunction with the 17th International Architecture Biennale.

40Up was an international travelling exhibition of ‘Australian Architecture's Next Generation’. It starting touring in 1999.


As a practice, we draw inspiration and references from areas as wide as possible. Ignoring our five-thousand-year-old history, in our opinion, is responsible for generating abstract and superficial buildings.

We believe each project presents an opportunity to search for the possibilities of architecture and the challenge of bestowing specificity. Avoiding tendencies for preconceived solutions which in turn is formulaic in design approach and which prevents rigorous research, exploration and uncovering historical significance inherent in every site. Once the attributes of the site are understood the design direction becomes clear; only then can the architecture have the potential to achieve a meaningful presence and has a sense of something permanent.

Architecture’s permanence is not only manifested in the construction and material durability but also in social and cultural durability. Acknowledging and respecting traditional precedents by avoiding mimicry. We seek to create an authentic design that transcends time by connecting to the past and reaching into the future through the exploration of new treatments and techniques. Our architecture is ultimately about creating timeless living which appears neither antiquated nor forcefully bound to a modernistic style.

Our fundamental objective is to generate the emotions; humanist qualities to move the senses whilst moving through the form, exciting spaces but also the unexpected. For us, architecture must have a sense of place and beauty in its immediate context.

At the core of every project is the search for clarity, necessity, and order through means of selections and orientation able to significantly bring together relationships between the external and internal, materials and spaces, the public and private.

We believe in the power of architecture in which we can take shelter, purify the mind, find peace, and emerge enlightened and strengthened by the experience.