Little Big House banner

littleBIG is more than a name it is an ethos based on the tenets of mid-century modern design – individuality, colour and connection of family+house+garden. A beautifully, detailed compact home that balances its modest budget with the needs of a big family.

Using a palette of low-maintenance, natural materials that connect with earth and sky, colourful personalised interiors and seamlessly connected landscaped “rooms”, littleBIG creates a joyful backdrop for five young children to grow.

Overcoming setback and privacy limitations of the wedge-shaped block, the architecture incorporates passive and active solar design principles to capture (and shelter) the sun and sea-breezes, reduce energy costs and provide a future aging-in-place strategy.

The forms, lines and flow of integrated architecture, interior and landscape are simple, colourful and delightful. Together they create a home that is nuanced and playful; a canvas for the future, and a testament to the vision of our clients.

Commendation for Interior Architecture - AIA (WA) 2019 Awards

Photographer: Jody D'Arcy

Suzanne Hunt Architect
Western Australia
Get in touch
Australia By Design: Interiors - Season 1, Episode 2
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House
Little Big House

Products used in
Little Big House

About the

Suzanne Hunt Architect [SHA] is a registered boutique architecture and interior design practice that specialises in residential, heritage, hospitality and mixed-use architecture underpinned by over 35 years of professional experience.

We pride ourselves on our highly personalised client-focused service.
This is your project and it is important to us that you enjoy the creative journey.

We take the time to really listen to you and to nurture your dreams.

Inspired by nature we seek to produce beautifully detailed, warm, environmentally and financially sustainable architecture that is timeless, contextural and human in scale. We believe that great architecture enriches our lives physically, psychologically, spiritually and emotionally leaving a legacy for generations to come. It is important that we get it right together.

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