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Long Bay Masterplanning & Urban Design

A new community to house up to 3,000 residents on a 176 hectare coastal site adjacent to Long Bay Regional Park in Auckland.


Key Design Attributes

  • A spine road through the centre of the developed area
  • A central heart – a village focus for mixed use development and public transport
  • A highly connected street layout and hierarchy
  • Modest sized perimeter blocks, served by pedestrian friendly street network
  • Building forms that front streets, reinforcing sense of community and place making 
  • Important natural land forms and features are reinforced
  • The movement network is connected to the wider area
  • Open space for amenity and functioning ecological system
  • Low impact design, optimal lot orientation and full storm water treatment train approach where possible


Construkt’s involvement

  • Developed master plan for entire site to inform Council’s Structure Planning process
  • Built form matrix to assist formulation of development controls
  • Expert witness evidence for Environment Court
  • Detailed Precinct Plans for all 3 precincts
  • Integrated housing studies to accompany Subdivision Consent
  • Design guidelines for first stage
  • Architectural design of Sales cafe and pump station

Professionals used in Long Bay Masterplanning & Urban Design

About the

Welcome to Construkt, an Auckland based design practice with a strong track record in masterplanning, urban design and architecture. Established in 2005, the company is led by the four directors and two principals, with 28 staff in total.
We are committed to design and place-making excellence, and believe that producing great work requires close collaboration between the client and architect. We put ourselves in our clients’ shoes and welcome their input as a crucial part of the design process.

Construkt Architects
Construkt Architects
