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Northern Glen Innes

The Creating Communities development in Northern Glen Innes is having a significant transformative effect on the neighbourhood and the wider community.

Construkt’s brief has grown and evolved with the project, which commenced in 2013. The practice is the concept architect for the development and provides design, documentation and delivery services.

The development has been characterised by pockets of smaller developments where, for example, two-three lots each featuring a single dwelling are amalgamated and replaced with four-five homes.

Today, the regeneration is highly visible throughout Glen Innes The development has seamlessly integrated social, affordable and open market housing.

About the

Welcome to Construkt, an Auckland based design practice with a strong track record in masterplanning, urban design and architecture. Established in 2005, the company is led by the four directors and two principals, with 28 staff in total.
We are committed to design and place-making excellence, and believe that producing great work requires close collaboration between the client and architect. We put ourselves in our clients’ shoes and welcome their input as a crucial part of the design process.

Construkt Architects
Construkt Architects
