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Project Overview

Auckland Council engaged Thomas Consultants to detail and deliver the concept design for a brand-new park development at Scott Point in Hobsonville, Auckland. Located on the southern side of Hobsonville, and much like the rest of the peninsula, the surrounding land has recently been subdivided and developed for higher density housing. The green is currently vacant, consisting of a flat open lawn, lending itself well to a new park development. 

The Goal

To provide a local park that surrounding residents can use and enjoy. It will include a nature play area, an all-ages fitness course, a community picnic/ gathering space with shade, a main cut-through pathway, a learn-to-ride track with pump sections and other features, mounding and planting, tree planting, and an open kick-a-ball space. It aims to be a useable space that local children can use after school un-supervised or that the community can use to come together and just relax in.

The Process

This project was picked up at the concept design stage from the Auckland Council design team, to carry through to detailed design and then construction. The concept is currently being fine-tuned with the community and the local board and then will be developed toward its end goal of construction. A series of open public consultation events have been held as well as the design being published on Auckland Councils Have Your Say website for open community feedback.

The Outcome

Thomas Consultants are currently in the process of developing, detailing, and then delivering this project, watch this space.

The Value

The landscape architecture team at Thomas Consultants were able to provide a practical and considered design response for the park, a space that is hoped to encourage neighbourly social interactions and provide for all ages and users living in the area.

This subdivision is new so people are still getting to know each other on a personal level. It is hoped that the design of this park will aide that, both through designing with the community and through providing the result. Ecological and environmental concerns are also considered and provided for by providing significant areas of native planting. Detailing will also aim to show local elements.

Partners we worked with

  • Auckland Council (specifically Community Facilities)
  • Upper Harbour Local Board

Services Provided

  • Community engagement
  • Developed and detailed design
  • Co-ordination with furniture and equipment suppliers
  • Construction delivery (eventually)

Project Completion

Yet to be completed, estimated to be delivered for construction during the summer of 2021/2022

Photo Credit - Thomas Consultants

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Observation Green

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Need an expert hand with your land development project? Thomas Consultants is your trusted partner, guiding you across New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region.

Since 2000, we’ve built a reputation for being approachable and dependable. Property owners, developers, community organisations, and local governments know they can count on us.

As committed land development consultants, we’ve built a stellar industry reputation through excellence.

Whether you’re a private client or tackling large-scale commercial ventures, navigating complex regulations, planning subdivisions, or conducting ecological assessments, we empower you. Our roundtable approach gathers all the necessary professions to collaborate and deeply understand your specific needs.

With engineers, planners, surveyors, environmental and contamination experts all in one place, our teams can quickly and easily collaborate internally to achieve your goals.

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  • Our experience and knowledge is trusted, recognised and respected
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