Oceania Place banner

Following the principles of passive design, this large home warms and cools itself.  The owners use the gas fires in winter more for ambiance than heating, and report they sit cool and relaxed in summer listening to their neighbours four heat pumps running all day…

A central ‘street’ for circulation, but also plenty of spaces to escape to means this blended family can coexist in harmony.

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About the

Principal Jo-Anne Hitchcock’s goal is to make your new home or renovation healthy, sustainable and adaptable not just for today, but well into the future.

Working in an open and collaborative way with clients, builders and other professionals means may repeat and word of mouth clients attest to the success of this formula.

The building industry is constantly evolving, which she enjoys and find exciting. Being part of the Superhome Movement means we champion energy efficient and environmentally sound design. Participants and supporters are dedicated to helping you get…Homes that will… Live Better, be Loved More, use Less Energy, be Affordable, and Last Longer!