Tranqulity Rise banner

The client wanted light, light, light!… and as much sun as she could get.

Being a stone’s throw from the cliff edge and in a historic area materials called for were those of our traditional baches- concrete block weatherboard and corrugated iron roofing.

Spacious rooms, (rather than lots of rooms) was the request, and high importance was placed on the kitchen. “We live in the kitchen” was the phrase uttered on a regular basis.
Separate areas for the parents and teenager were required, along with a decent laundry and storage.

Restrictive boundary setbacks combined with a 4 metre diagonal fall to the South was overcome with a traditional block basement garage with multiple split levels stepping up the hill to follow the contour. Monopitch roofs echoed the slope of the land, and opened up the interior to day and afternoon sun streaming in.
Having the lounge down half a level from the less formal kitchen, dining and family area worked well to provide separation from the teenage daughter without doors being necessary.
Sloping ceilings were used wherever possible and 2.7m stud elsewhere give a generous and spacious feel.
Bifolds open off all living areas, maximising flow and blurring boundaries between indoor/outdoor rooms giving this very social family plenty of options for living and entertaining depending on the sun and wind

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About the

Principal Jo-Anne Hitchcock’s goal is to make your new home or renovation healthy, sustainable and adaptable not just for today, but well into the future.

Working in an open and collaborative way with clients, builders and other professionals means may repeat and word of mouth clients attest to the success of this formula.

The building industry is constantly evolving, which she enjoys and find exciting. Being part of the Superhome Movement means we champion energy efficient and environmentally sound design. Participants and supporters are dedicated to helping you get…Homes that will… Live Better, be Loved More, use Less Energy, be Affordable, and Last Longer!