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Park Ave Reno

The existing 1970's era house required a major overhaul, with areas of stucco and shingle cladding deteriorating in the harsh seaside environment. The aim was to provide a robust shell to protect the building for the next 50 years and beyond. The building had an unusual form, perhaps influenced by the planning constraints of the time. Rather than alter the envelope drastically it was decided to largely maintain it and retain some of the inherent uniqueness and interest.

With bedrooms and private areas facing the street, a cedar rain screen was applied to the upper facade to provide privacy while allowing ample natural light to filter through. The negative cutout design of the screen flows across the facade aided by an offset pattern, contrasting with mostly vertical elements elsewhere.

The remaining surfaces have been clad with dark, metal, flat-tray panels giving the building a stealthy appearance softened only by the timber work above.

Interiors were updated throughout and off-cuts from the cedar re-used inside and out.

It's hoped that the new facade creates an interesting addition to the streetscape and evokes some curiosity about the origins of the house as it travels through the next century.

Regional Winner (Auckland) - Residential Alterations and Additions - 2023

About the

There is something satisfying about a thing that is well made and well designed. We set out in 2008 looking to raise the standard of design in our local built environment. Since then we have worked in some incredible locations to create buildings that reflect the character of the people who live in them and place in which they live. We design with sensitivity to the physical and cultural context of the site, using natural materials and finishes where possible with a focus on robust and elegant detailing. We have a tight knit team of skilled architectural designers and technicians to handle new residential and commercial projects, alterations and additions of any complexity.

LTD Architectural Design Studio
LTD Architectural Design Studio

Architectural Designers