Polperro Winery banner

Red Hill, Melbourne
2016 — Present

Polperro Winery is conceived as a pure concrete structure formed half-buried into a south-facing slope adjacent to the established Polperro vineyard. The materials palette of insitu concrete and timber decking references the silvery greys of the local environment and provides a protective shelter for the production and cask storage of wine.

Davidov Architecture & Interiors
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Polperro Winery
Polperro Winery
Polperro Winery
Polperro Winery
Polperro Winery

Professionals used in
Polperro Winery

About the

Davidov Architects is a Melbourne-based architecture and interiors practice. The studio has developed a reputation for built outcomes that are understated in character, utilising a limited material palette and refined detailing.

The studio works predominantly on residential projects ranging from alterations & additions to new houses and multi-residential developments, as well as developing bespoke furniture and lighting solutions.

A background in architecture, construction and urban design informs the studio’s design approach to the built environment, which is paired with an appreciation for sustainable construction practices and passive design knowledge.

The studio enjoys working closely with clients to create projects that deftly balance design briefs with an appreciation of the broader context and impact within their neighbourhood and the natural environment.