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Completed: 2020

Interior Design: Sofiaa Interior Design

Single-storey addition to a Local Heritage Place within Burnside Council. A deliberate and conscious design that connects seamlessly to the original Victorian home. Original 3.8m ceiling heights were continued through to the new addition.

Clean lines and neutral material & finishes palette allow for a complimentary addition that doesn’t attempt replicate the ‘original’ home features.'

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Rose Park
Rose Park
Rose Park
Rose Park
Rose Park
Rose Park
Rose Park
Rose Park
Rose Park

Professionals used in
Rose Park

About the

I am a sole practitioner architect based in Adelaide, taking on only a handful of bespoke residential projects each year. This approach allows me to offer a highly dedicated service-from helping my clients with their design brief, through the council approval stage and can also assist owners in navigating the construction process.

With over 16 years of experience in the industry, I enjoy helping my clients create contemporary new homes and extensions.