Spy Valley Winery  banner

Spy Valley Winery 

Spy Valley Winery is two large industrial buildings with a working lane between, providing the ability to work outdoors in relative shelter on the windy site. The scalloped timber-clad forms aim to reduce the scale of such large buildings in an expansive landscape and create a state of the art winery.

The technical aspects included designing and detailing public restaurant and gathering spaces, catering, display, tasting, and industrial spaces with specific wine production requirements.


  • 2006 NZIA National Architecture Award
  • 2004 NZIA Branch Award
  • 2004 Origin Timber Awards Commercial


  • Architecture NZ Sept/ Oct 2004

About the

Tennent Brown is concerned with people, how our buildings and environments will affect their experience. We design to uplift the quality of life, of work, play and wellbeing of those the buildings serve. Architecture is built around people, and every design is an individual's or organisation’s story: their hopes and aspirations for a building that is their own.

People entrust us with realising some expression of themselves, to translate that into built form. We take that seriously. Ours is an architecture of listening and understanding: a humanist architecture.

Tennent Brown Architects
Tennent Brown Architects
