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St Marks Apartments

St Marks in Remuera, cleverly melds residential and communal amenity in a medium density setting.

The development is divided into two massings and pulled back from the boundary to maximise landscaping and integration to the street. The second stage, designed by Buchan, consists of 70 apartments including several penthouses across the front and rear blocks.

A terraced garden unifies the eastern and western buildings and creates a community focus. A ‘green courtyard’ links the terrace garden to a secluded fern garden, while simultaneously letting light, landscaping and cross ventilation into the contiguous apartments. Dense plantings of edible fruits, tall trees and vertical greenery provide shade, privacy and encourage gathering.

Indoors, the lobby space with barista, lounge and library promotes a sense of community. Proposed future retail activation to the ground floor includes a florist, with through-site links to an existing café and restaurant.

The apartments are specifically designed to facilitate ‘ageing in place’, featuring larger doors and a large lift car.

External balconies can double as living room, gyms, home office to flex with residents’ needs.

Design considerations at St Marks have a significant positive impact on liveability.

About the

Buchan is a world leader in design. We are internationally recognised for our innovative, integrated and iconic projects.

One of our key points of difference is our ability to respond to the changes and the needs of the increasingly sophisticated consumer. As people and users of space, seek fresh experiences, wider choice and greater convenience, we are leading the creation of new placemaking opportunities that keep the offer
vibrant and attractive.

Our teams have developed a deep understanding of the widest range of project formats and are ever seeking to evolve ideas.

Our projects include major international ‘signature’ developments, hotels, commercial resorts, town centres, retail and the full spectrum of mixed use developments, at every scale including entertainment and leisure facilities.

Our strong portfolio of work complements our expertise and gives us a better understanding of how to maximise customer experience in environments that attract the consumer.

