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Based on a 70’ s style building with pavilions, the main pavilion spans the entire width of the site butting up to the 1.5m boundary setback for the zoning. The front entrance walkway carries on through into the house leading out to the private north facing back yard. The walkway roof finishes at the edge of skylight opening which allows natural light into the heart of the home, creating an outdoor feel with decking beneath your feet. The front and rear pivot doors have a skin of Vitek timber reflecting the Vitek decking, carried internally and externally.

A holiday home that is low maintenance, hard wearing and capable of providing spaces that allow families to come together and break off into sub zones, when chill out time is required.

The kitchen splashback is a window looking into an internal garden shared with the bathroom. The skylight above feeds light into the rear kitchen bench and the bathroom. A screen slices through the garden, providing privacy between the spaces.

A minimum floor height of 500mm was required due to flood requirements. Planter boxes and stepping of the deck, breaks up the height, allowing the building to merge into the site. The building has been constructed of insulated concrete panels with a concrete floor, mixed with shell, helping to provide thermal mass for warmth and a link to the beach. The bedrooms are large enough to cater for a couple of chairs, encouraging time to chill out and relax with a good book, in privacy.

Location: Coromandel
Floor Area: 180m2
Status: Completed 2004

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Sumar Holiday Home

About the

Creative Arch is an award-winning, multi-disciplined architectural design practice, founded in 1998 by Architectural Designer / Director Mark McLeay.

The range of work at Creative Arch is as diverse as our clients, encompassing residential homes, alterations and renovations, coastal developments, sub-division developments, to commercial projects.

The team at Creative Arch are an enthusiastic group of talented professional architects and designers, with a depth of experience, from a range of different backgrounds and cultures. Creative Arch is a client-focused firm committed to providing excellence in service, culture, and project outcomes.

Client service is our first priority. Our guiding principle is to always listen and understand our client's needs and requirements. We view each client's architectural project as unique and deserving of an innovative plan and tailored design approach.
Any design project is a complicated creative undertaking with a multitude of tasks and issues to be resolved.

We believe in collaboration. Experience teaches us that the most successful architectural design projects are the ones when the client is committed to excellence and teamwork. We work alongside clients through the complete process from initial briefing to developing the design, through to the consenting process, and to construction and final completion.