Suncorp Vero Building banner

Suncorp Vero Building

Anchoring the soaring foyer of the Vero building in Auckland's CBD is the stairway complete with solid wood treads. The focal point of the entry into this building makes a statement in contemporary design

The stair cuts through four levels in the Suncorp building, which was no mean feat; the builders had to slice a stairwell through four concrete floors to accommodate it. The warmth of the American oak juxtaposes with the more utilitarian qualities of concrete and steel in the space, creating a relaxing and pleasant environment. 

The timber treads are inlaid with a rubber grip pad on each step and two metal strips on the nose of the tread, in order to comply with health and safety requirements. American Oak is a dense and robust timber that is sustainably harvested, making it perfect for interior projects of a large scale.

Products used in Suncorp Vero Building

About the

The WOODSMITHS you probably already know. Over a quarter of a century dedicated to enduring solid wood craftsmanship has made our badge synonymous with luxury and bespoke excellence. Work that can be seen in the homes, kitchens and industry throughout New Zealand.

Solid Wood Bench Tops have been a part of this. Timber Bench Tops crafted to customers designs, colours, timbers and finishes. All featuring the generous and extensive WOODSMITHS warranties. 

Our products are not mass-produced. Each piece is individually handcrafted. We enjoy working with customers to design solid wood benchtops and other solid wood products that are unique and functional. We are committed to the highest quality of craftsmanship and take pride in each piece we make.

The Woodsmiths
The Woodsmiths

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