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Designing to respond to the particulars of a site is Architecture 101 and this new build in North Canterbury has that part truly sussed. Two courtyards ensure wraparound sun and views from dawn to dusk. One to the east, sits between the living and bedroom wing of the home overlooking the Pegasus wetlands, so it’s the owners’ go-to spot for morning coffee and the paper; another to the north-west comes into its own in the evening, ideal for G&Ts and easy conversation as the day draws to a close.

Built-in elements enhance the cohesiveness of the look. The kitchens and bathrooms feature gaboon-ply cabinetry, and the bench seats alongside the living room fireplace are in the same material. Hoop-pine ceilings counterbalance the heated concrete floors to bring warmth to the palette and underfoot.

Bamboo boardwalks flanking the house are similar to those that criss-cross the extensive wetlands. It means the backyard seems to flow into the landscape. The owners love to get out the bicycles and perambulate along the pathways, they equally love coming home to their low-key mid-century style retreat.

Box™ design and build are a team of architects and builders based in Auckland. All rolled into one. We are focused on helping you build your dream home.

Box™ - The Architect Builder
Auckland, Auckland
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We are architects, designers, and builders under one roof, offering an end-to-end architectural new build or renovation service.

We balance design flair with building pragmatism.

Our aim is to deliver a seamless, enjoyable and exciting design>build journey. 

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This was the seed of Box™. A strong belief that the best way to produce the best homes was through builders, designers and customers working in unison, not against one another.

Success comes through an understanding, appreciation and trust of each other’s expertise. This results in great design – part of which is building pragmatism. This combination of design and build practicality also leads to a unique company culture.

We have designed the way we work on the premise that all projects tend to go really well until the cost gets in the way.

As a result, we take our customers through what we believe to be an industry-leading process: the successful dance of design flair, construction knowledge and budget guidance.