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Derek Swalwell

A fitout for a residential space, this custom designed apartment is elevated 23 levels above the street and spills over Melbourne’s arts precinct, parks and city. The extent of the view is panoramic and informed the concept, commencing with the front door arrival with a framed view to the spire.

The ‘bent wedge’ is a cocoon like form, which seeks to define the manner in which the internal spaces relate, firstly with each other, and secondly with its vista.  The frame of the wedge provides a range of experiences: retreat, platform and edge. Each room has a view and, conscious of this, the shape of the wedge encourages panorama and a range of views.The wedge weaves its way through three structural and core spines of the main structure, each used to define the spaces along its east edge, the master bedroom, kitchen/dining (platform) and terminates at the living space.

Wolveridge Architects
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The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge
The Bent Wedge

Professionals used in
The Bent Wedge

About the

Wolveridge Architects is a medium sized, internationally recognised architectural studio based in Collingwood.