The Hawk House @ Queensberry

By Plymasters

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The ceiling of Hawk House in Queensberry, Central Otago is nothing, if not jaw-dropping.

Complex angles and changing tones almost compete with the building’s amazing views.

Craig Harrison from Mojo Joinery, a local company that ranges as far afield as Christchurch, says they like to do things that are different and challenging. A hand-chosen team of talented staff ensure that word of mouth keeps work coming through the door of this busy company. 

Members of the Master Joiners Association, Craig says they work hard to stay abreast of new products and trends. 

For the distinctive roof, created in Plymasters Classique Oak, Mojo Joinery worked with architect James Stockwell and builder Nick Mizzi.

Craig says the home has a nice feel to it and he’s very happy with the way the Classique Oak ply has contributed to it – although he gives much of the credit to the builder. “It has a nice, homey feel to it, and great views.”

He says he has worked with ply a lot recently and says its elegant finish and cost-effectiveness are increasingly popular.

“There are some really nice examples around, and people are more into natural products.”

The ceiling worked so well at Hawk House that the decision was also made to clad the interior of the garage in Classique Oak.

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Products used in The Hawk House @ Queensberry

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Plymasters Kiwi team take great pride in sourcing globally unique and innovative ply and panels for our clients. Trusted by you, we stand by our world-class product range.

For over a decade, Plymasters has been specializing in supplying various types of plywood and panels, timber veneers, melamine, HPL panels and architectural linings to builders, architects, joiners and end-users nation wide.

You’ll see Plymasters products in a range of places. Some you’d expect. Some you wouldn’t. What they have in common is that there’s been a lot of care go into them. From high-spec, award-winning homes (interiors and exteriors), to hospitality and educational buildings to commercial buildings and even fishing vessels.

We look forward to bringing your plywood and panel vision alive.