Photo: Andy Spain
Photo: Andy Spain

TSB Arena, Wellington

A new façade and kiosk for the TSB Arena, a significant building on Wellington's waterfront. A simplified series of geometric elements was created, with distinct service and public areas, to provide a more accessible and attractive public edge. 

The new kiosk and toilets on the south end front the public promenade, playground and water. Safety issues were also addressed to ease issues between cyclists and pedestrians.

The brief included addressing some serious maintenance issues for this  90s building; the exisiting cladding and rotten framing was removed and a new full cavity cladding system was installed. The challenges of the building having to be fully operational during construction were met.

Photo: Andy Spain
Photo: Andy Spain
Photo: Andy Spain
Photo: Andy Spain
Photo: Andy Spain

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Herriot Melhuish O'Neill Architects Ltd
Herriot Melhuish O'Neill Architects Ltd
