Using Australian Colour banner

Reinvented for its third edition, Using Australian Colour demonstrates how our design practice deduces quintessentially Australian colour palettes from varied sources of inspiration, delivering knowledge and philosophy that is both expert and approachable, a source book for designers, homeowners, students and artists alike. With engaging graphic interpretations and a visual language to respond to seven key colours and supporting poetry, the publication is a dynamic and inspiring celebration of the landscape and beauty surrounding us.

Using Australian Colour 3rd Edition

Publication Design

Hardie Grant Books Publishing

Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour
Using Australian Colour

Professionals used in
Using Australian Colour

About the

For over five decades, Nexus Designs has created enduring and personal design, expressing authenticity and bringing delight. Multi-disciplinary to the core, we offer a true integrated service of interior design, product development, colour and trend analysis, graphic design and communication, working within the residential, commercial, government, education and building product manufacturing sectors.

Embodying the unstoppable search for timeless and functional design championed by our founder Janne Faulkner AM, our studio is bright, adaptable and spirited, interesting as much as we are interested, and endlessly inspired by the colour and form found within the unique Australian natural and built environments.