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Walter Merton Road Terraces

Two identical blocks of two storey, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom terraces with a 50/50 split in median priced and open to market units. The primary frontage is to Walter Merton Rd and vehicle access is off laneway (located south of the BB08-A). The buildings are setback providing space for northern private outdoor living courts.

The proposed development presents a coherent efficient design and a rich variety of housing types addressing the street and responding to the brief and context through scale, materiality and form.

The site-specific design strategies that responded to the brief were:
– Offer a consistent architectural rhythm through roof forms, colours and materials ensuring a
coherent street appeal,
– Enhance the streetscape by setting back the building forms and providing an outdoor court
fronting the main street,
– Address the prominent corner on Eyton Kay Rd and Walter Merton Rd with quality
landscaping and having the fencing setback,
– Step building platform levels with the slope of the site,
– Limit on-going maintenance and costs by using durable building materials,
– Use of rear loaded terraced units to achieve active and attractive front facades,
– Provide garage parking for some units and open car pads for others,
– Utilise lot orientation to provide spaces that receive sun at all times of the day.

Building frontages have been designed to be rhythmic in materiality, modulations and setbacks from the street. Each frontage is activated by positioning window openings, doors and pedestrian access onto the street where suitable. These frontages are further articulated by a mixture of screening devices such permeable fencing and planting.

The roof-scape is a run of repeating mirrored, off-set mono-pitched roofs punctuated with expressed framed elements. The rear of the units are near identical to the front with minor variances to glazing

Walter Merton Road Terraces
Walter Merton Road Terraces
Walter Merton Road Terraces
Walter Merton Road Terraces
Walter Merton Road Terraces
Walter Merton Road Terraces
Walter Merton Road Terraces
Walter Merton Road Terraces

About the

Construkt Architects
Construkt Architects
