Wanaka Catholic Church banner


The site is located in Wanaka set on a suburban island surrounded by a broad and immediate panorama of the NZ Southern Alps.

The building’s organic form alludes to the mountains that surround it. Solid walls of masonry dressed in simple plaster sweep from the entry, widening to embrace the congregation before curving inwards and focusing on the semi circular apse containing the altar. The floating leaf form of the roof inclined towards the altar rises skyward further emphasizing attention in this direction. The interior is illuminated by natural lighting that enters through a narrow glazed clerestory ribbon that widens as it progresses towards the sanctuary subtly shifting angles to emphasise focus towards the altar. The ribbon windows offer the faithful a view of the surrounding mountains. The landscape and its changing moods are quietly present as a living backdrop to the service.

Architects: Sarah Scott Architects Ltd, 63 Upton Street, Wanaka


Location: Wanaka, South Island, New Zealand
Design Team: Barry Condon, Sarah Scott
Structural Engineer: Lewis Bradford
Builder: Naylor Love Construction Ltd
Area: 500m2
Year: 2011

Tony Brunt. Images 02, 03, 07, 08, 09
Karen Dennis. Images 01, 04, 05, 06

Condon Scott Architects
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Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church
Wanaka Catholic Church

Professionals used in
Wanaka Catholic Church

About the

Condon Scott Architects Ltd is an award winning NZIA registered practice based in Wanaka, New Zealand.

We have designed a wide range of residential and commercial projects in Queenstown, Wanaka, the Central Otago region and further afield. Currently, the practice employs ten people, with a broad range of skills and nationalities, working closely together in a busy studio environment.

Each commission is unique and site-specific and clients are encouraged to be involved throughout the design process. We offer innovative solutions to demanding sites and client briefs.

Having completed more than 600 projects in Queenstown, Wanaka & the Central Otago region over the past 30 years we have a wide range of experience in extreme climate, high altitude architecture including numerous ski field projects, and extensive experience with Resource Consent Applications in sensitive (outstanding visual amenity) landscapes.

The practice offers strong design based architecture and focuses on marrying client needs with sound building practices to maximise environmental and climate conditions.