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MODULAR building company Fabprefab has decked out its NSW central coast warehouse with XLam’s Responsible Wood-certified Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) product to form the structural material of the floor, walls, and roof – all while using it to provide a mezzanine level for the building.

Fabprefab’s building product choice reflects the value of the XLam CLT application and the increased demand to build using sustainably-sourced solutions.

Locally grown and manufactured, the timber meets the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management, a prerequisite for Responsible Wood certification.

Photography: Clinton Weaver 

Responsible Wood
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XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural
XLam CLT Natural

Professionals used in
XLam CLT Natural

About the

Responsible Wood (formerly the Australian Forestry Standard) is a leading forest certification scheme. 

Responsible Wood pioneered the development of certification standards for sustainable wood sourced from managed forests in Australia. 

As a non-profit, non-government organisation, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification. Responsible Wood is the National Governing Body for PEFC in Australia