Yallambee Lodge banner

Enhancing Retirement Living.

Yallambee Lodge offers a welcoming space for residents, filled with natural light and social areas.

Yallambee Lodge is an existing retirement village situated in Gosford, New South Wales. The new extension will consist of eight rooms and will accommodate dementia patients. A central community hub has been designed to promote well-being and community engagement. The lodge includes facilities such as a shared kitchen, dining space, and lounge areas for residents to relax and socialise.

The building design is open and offers plenty of natural light to filter through, inviting residents to use the outdoor green areas.

  • Location: Gosford, New South Wales
  • Completed: Due 2022


Get in touch
Yallambee Lodge
Yallambee Lodge
Built around nature
Built around nature
Yallambee Lodge
Yallambee Lodge
Promoting well-being and community engagement
Promoting well-being and community engagement
Yallambee Lodge
Light-filled interiors
Light-filled interiors

Professionals used in
Yallambee Lodge

About the

We design beautiful places for people. Spaces that enhance and enrich their environment that delivers a profound and vibrant sense of place, and creates harmony between the built and natural worlds.

Design Excellence. Brilliantly Executed.

Ignite is a multi-disciplinary design firm specialising in architecture, interior design, master planning, and urban design. We bring a dynamic and innovative approach to delivering world-class design solutions that are both people-oriented and visually inspiring. With placemaking at the heart of our practice, we are dedicated to fostering engaged and vital communities.

Function Driven. Future Focused.

The Ignite point of difference is a rigorous design process that marries creativity with functionality. We pride ourselves in our ability to work empathetically and collaboratively with all stakeholders and curate every element of a design throughout the project’s lifespan. Ambitious and forward-thinking, we don’t hesitate to defy convention, and our clients value our ability to stay ahead of the curve and forecast future trends.

Past Experience. Present Expertise.

With over 30 years of experience, Ignite is now home to a global team of 160+ professionals across five design studios. The diversity of our experience and strong team culture allows us to take a fully integrated, holistic design approach to projects of varying scale and complexity, both local and international. Our scope of work covers a range of industry sectors from commercial to residential, retail to entertainment, and hospitality to hotels.