Galvanised Rectangular Box Tie, 185mm x 105mm for use in general masonry construction.

Rectangular Cavity Tie
Galvanised Rectangular Box Tie, 185mm x 105mm for use in general masonry construction.
Available in packs of 10

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  • Used to tie two brick walls together. Space at 600mm centres along the wall and 350mm vertically
  • Can be used anywhere in masonry walls to provide additional strength
  • Length 185mm, width 105mm, thickness 4mm
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Masons provide a range of quality trade building products from a complete Enclosure Building Wrap System and Exterior Cladding, to Brick Reinforcement, and are a crucial supplier in the New Zealand building industry.

Masons strive to be at the forefront of developing innovative products that raise the standards of New Zealand building products.

Cavity TieMasons