COLORSTEEL DRIDEX® Steel Roof & Wall Cladding


COLORSTEEL Dridex® is a roof and wall cladding product with an anti-condensation fleece layer that collects, stores and then releases moisture. This layer, adhered to the reverse side of the COLORSTEEL® sheet, negates the need for separate underlay to be installed prior to the sheets being attached.

COLORSTEEL Dridex® is available in a range of profiles, please check with your local roll-former to confirm that COLORSTEEL Dridex® is available in your desired profile. Roll-forming companies operate throughout New Zealand, each offering their own range of profiles. Use our nation wide database to find the perfect supplier for your project. 

  • Category
    Metal Cladding, Steel Roofing

COLORSTEEL DRIDEX® has been developed for residential and commercial buildings, industrial sheds, and farm buildings.

Key Features:

  • Anti-condensation fleece layer adhered to the reverse side of the COLORSTEEL® sheet
  • Greater absorption than conventional underlays
  • Reduces installation time
  • Installation is less affected by wind, reducing down time
  • Increases roof space ventilation 
  • No need to worry about sags, gap, or rips
  • A clean, aesthetically-pleasing appearance
  • Available in a range of colours and profiles to suit any home or building

Note: When designing your home, consider which profile is appropriate - each profile has a minimum pitch below which it should not be installed and certain profiles are only suitable for certain applications. Discuss your requirements with the designer or contact your local roll-former for further information.

Performance Attributes:


  • When tested using the principles of AS/NZS 4201.6, the average absorbency for Dridex® was 349 g/m2.
  • This exceeds the minimum required in NZS2295 by 119%


  • When tested on a straight gable building, COLORSTEEL Dridex® applied to standard corrugate allowed approximately twice the ceiling space ventilation as a roof clad with conventional underlay
  • This exceeded the recommended minimum vent area ratio of 1:300 by 57% 


  • COLORSTEEL Dridex® is available in all our top coat colours. The Dridex® fleece is a grey colour, similar to the Perpetual Grey® backer of COLORSTEEL®.
  • Colour retention (CIE Lab units Delta E) is 8 units maximum after 10 years exposure, and 10 units maximum after 15 years exposure. Chalk rating (AS 1580:481.1.11:1998) is no more than 4 after 10 years exposure.
  • Solar reflectance and light reflectance values vary with colour, refer to COLORSTEEL® Light Reflectance brochure for details.

Fire Resistance:

  • COLORSTEEL Dridex® is rated as a Group 1-S materials under the New Zealand Building Code Clause C3.4(a).


  • Steel substrate may be either G300 or G550 consistent with AS 1397:2021
  • Metallic coating is consistent with AS 1397:2021
  • COLORSTEEL Dridex® is a Type 6 product in accordance with AS/NZS 2728:2013 and therefore is consistent with the NZ Building Code for use in environments as described in Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 Table 20.
Guidelines for Use

Available on all trapezoidal and corrugate profiles, Dridex® can be used for roof & wall cladding on most building types — including residential buildings, industrial sheds, and some farm buildings. 

Limitations on Use

COLORSTEEL Dridex® products are not recommended for the following applications:

  • Intensive animal shelters, where the build-up of alkaline fumes may occur
  • Swimming Pools, and other structures with continually wet internal environments
  • Buildings with harsh internal environments such as galvanising plants, tanneries and meat works
  • Fertiliser works
  • Embedded in concrete
  • In contact with soil, bark or similar
  • Geothermal areas
  • Shelters and buildings where fumes are generated such as fuel stations
  • Guttering
  • Flashings
  • Downpipes 

Before using COLORSTEEL Dridex® products in these environments please consult us for a recommendation on 0800 697 833 or

Copper or brass pipes must not be allowed to discharge onto or come into contact with COLORSTEEL® pre-painted steel products. The use of other materials in proximity to COLORSTEEL Dridex® must be carefully considered – the COLORSTEEL® Incompatible Materials bulletin should be used as reference. 

Mixing with other brands of pre-painted materials on the same building is not recommended.  

Installation of Product

COLORSTEEL Dridex® pre-painted steel must be installed by a New Zealand Steel accredited roofer to obtain a warranty. Contact the New Zealand Steel team on 0800 697 833 to confirm your roofer is accredited. 

Handling & Storage

If COLORSTEEL Dridex® products are to be stored for any time prior to forming or installation, they must be stored in dry, well ventilated conditions. Storage which allows water (including condensation) to be trapped between the sheets may damage the coating beyond repair. All COLORSTEEL® pre-painted steel products must be handled carefully during transport, fabrication and fixing to avoid damaging the surface.

Warranty and Maintenance


Please refer to the COLORSTEEL® Environmental Categories & Warranty Guide for further information on where to use each product.

When you order your COLORSTEEL® pre-painted steel roof or rainwater products, remember to request your COLORSTEEL® warranty from your supplier. 


Areas of COLORSTEEL Dridex® that are not regularly washed with rain water, must be routinely washed to remove surface deposits to ensure satisfactory life is obtained from the product. For maintenance recommendations to a specific environmental category, please refer to our Maintenance Recommendations brochure.


Can Dridex® be used on cladding?

Yes, Dridex® is suitable for both roofing & wall cladding. All accessories (such as gutters, flashings) are available from the regular COLORSTEEL® product range. 

Can the absorbent backer be supplied on Zincalume®?

Dridex® is only available with pre-painted COLORSTEEL® products. 

Does fungus grow on the Dridex® backer?

Dridex® pre-painted steel does not support fungal growth and is classified as a Class I material (a material that is extremely insensitive to fungus growth). It has been tested independently by TNO Bouw in the Netherlands.  

Which colours is COLORSTEEL Dridex® available in?

Dridex® is available in all top coat colours. The Dridex® fleece colour is grey, similar to the Perpetual Grey® backer of COLORSTEEL®  

How does a roofer become an accredited Dridex® Installer?

Only accredited roofers can install Dridex®. Face-to-face training is available from New Zealand Steel. Please contact your roll-former for more information on how to complete this qualification. 

Why does Dridex® have to be stored dry prior to installation?

The backer of Dridex® is made to absorb water in wet environments. If the product is close stacked, the fleece backer has no room to breathe and the water will not evaporate. A wet stack of sheets can have an impact on the performance of the painted product. Furthermore, on the day of the installation, when the sheets are prepared and the drip edge is melted back from the edge, the melt back process will take much longer and time savings may not be achievable for the roofer. 

Can I store Dridex® outside prior to installation?

No. You should not expose Dridex® to the outside weather conditions prior to installation. The product is designed to absorb water, so if it absorbs water while stacked the moisture can’t evaporate, causing the product to become significantly heavier. Furthermore, on the day of the installation, when the sheets are prepared and the drip edge is melted back from the edge, the melt back process will take much longer and time savings may not be achievable for the roofer. 

Does Dridex® absorb water from gutters?

No. Capillary action on overhangs is managed by removing the backer 3-6cm from the sheet edge during installation.

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About the

COLORSTEEL® is made, tested and trusted for New Zealand conditions. We are inspired by the colours and landscapes that surround us and, in turn, we strive to create products that will inspire you. For more inspiration, visit

For over 40 years, COLORSTEEL® has been helping New Zealanders transform their environments. Driven by a desire to create better, stronger and more beautiful every day, we are constantly building on our foundation of practical knowledge, experience and understanding to think differently and deliver intelligent solutions for real applications. We are excited to announce the Next Generation of COLORSTEEL® - COLORSTEEL MAXAM®, which brings together the outstanding quality and consistency COLORSTEEL® is known for, with game changing ACTIVATE™ technology, designed to deliver enhanced corrosion resistance.

For New Zealand:
We’re inspired by the landscape around us. From snow topped mountains to tussock grasslands, you’ll see New Zealand reflected in everything we create.

COLORSTEEL® products also undergo intense, long-term colour performance and exposure testing. So you can be sure they’re made and trusted for our conditions. We’re so confident in the durability of our products, we back them with robust warranties of up to 50 years.

For you:
We’ve developed COLORSTEEL® products to meet the needs of New Zealanders. Whether it’s roofing your dream home, building a fence or cladding a warehouse– there’s a COLORSTEEL® solution for your project.

By combining beauty, durability and flexibility, we believe COLORSTEEL® is about more than just a steel solution - it’s about turning metal into magic and transforming the everyday.