Laminated Post and Fencing System

GenLam® posts are technically crafted to give you an engineered, high performing solid timber post and beautifully crafted timber palings to accompany your unique fence or pergola. GenLam® H4 GL8 posts have a quality finish, ready to add your own creative painted touch to. Micropro® treated assures you and your family a safe alternative to previous treatment alternatives.

Key Features

  • Won't split or twist like solid timber posts
  • Suitable for in-ground or above-ground use
  • Incredibly strong
  • Visually pleasing and easy to paint
  • Suitable for fence posts, pergolas, playground structures/equipment and playhouses
  • No leaching into our soils
  • 50-year treatment warranty


Suitable fasteners to use with MicroPro® treated products include stainless steel and hot-dipped galvanised nails. Note: In seaspray and geothermal zones ensure all specified fasteners and fixings comply with environmental exposure.


Apply two coats of a premium exterior grade topcoat. Topcoat colours should have a Light Reflective Value (LRV) of 45 or higher, as dark colours can encourage resin bleed and distortion leading to cracking and premature paint failure. Paint must be applied as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

  • Category
    Fence Posts

KLC GenLam® posts are manufactured in accordance with the following New Zealand and Australian standards: 

Timber Finger Joints in Structure Products certified to AS 5068 Service Class 3 Glue Laminated Structural Timber certified to AS/NZS 1328

Assure Quality Timber Treatment Programme. The posts are treated with MicroPro® H4. MicroPro® is approved APVMA, AS/NZS 1604 Series, NZS 3640 and NZ EPA.

Projects featuring GenLam® Laminated Post and Fencing System

About the

KLC manufactures and distributes a range of precision-made timber building materials sourced from sustainable forestry, and processed with equal regard to environmental sustainability through raw material selection and safe innovative treatment solutions. The timber used for our quality products is sourced from New Zealand Radiata Pine and we are FSC Certified.

KLC Limited was started in 1997 and is based at Kaingaroa Village, 50 kilometres south east of Rotorua, on what was the site of the NZ Forest Service Workshops.

Timber Treatment and Re-manufacture:
KLC started as a kiln drying operation and quickly progressed into being one of New Zealand’s largest and most innovative timber treatment and re-manufacturing operations producing high quality weatherboards, fascia and dressed boards.

KLC has a significant presence in the NZ market for products ranging from Finger Jointed products and treated and untreated blanks to our Generation 2 NZ Timber Cladding range including Dressed Boards, Finishing Boards, Fascia and Weatherboards.

We have a comprehensive export portfolio to Australia, Asia, the US and Europe.

We pride ourselves on taking NZ Timber, enhancing it’s performance and making it naturally better for use in the Construction Industry

Safer, Innovative, Durable:
As an innovative and high performing timber manufacturer, KLC has introduced Koppers MicroPro® Wood Treatment Technology to the construction industry. This helps ensure better environmental outcomes for homeowners, builders and Architectural Designers and our planet. Supporting the user and occupant’s health and wellbeing.

Outstanding Performance:
By introducing MicroPro® as a superior performing timber preservative for use in timber products we ensure a safer, kinder and more robust alternative compared to other forms of timber treatment. Our goal, respecting our planet, our people, our customers, our industry.

Our personal guarantee:
We have researched and worked hard to find an alternative wood treatment that is safer for everyone. This is an advanced product environmentally and we will continue to endorse and enrich the knowledge of all users and specifiers to show them an environmentally sustainable alternative. Ensuring a premium product is manufactured and supplied.

GenLam® Laminated Post and Fencing SystemKLC