Hydro™ Seal is a black waterproof membrane that has been formulated to act as a damp-proof membrane behind retaining walls and buried structures

  • It’s suitable for concrete, concrete block and brick-work, wood and metal.
  • Passed the vapour flow resistance level requirements for a water vapour barrier as per E2/AS1 BRANZ Report number DC2547
  • Meets moisture vapour permeability requirements of NZS 3604:2011

Hydro™ Seal – Advantages

  • Hydro™ Seal is simple to apply by brush or roller
  • Is compatible with green concrete
  • Has excellent adhesion to masonry and concrete etc.
  • Fast cure time
  • Low water permeability
  • Sulphates and ground salts resistant
  • Category
    Waterproofing Sealants, Adhesives and Sealants

Form: Thyrotropic liquid mixed
Solid content: 60%
Density: 1.00kg/L
Application temperature: 5°C to 50°C
Drying Time: 4 – 6 hours at 20°C, 12 – 24 hours should be left between coatings
Coverage: Additional to the primer coat – The minimum total application rate is 1 Liter per m2 (2 coats of 1/2 litre per m2 each). Depending on the substrate quantities this might vary slightly.
Limitations: Not to be exposed to sunlight.
Shelf life: 12 months when stored in original packaging.
Store: between 1°C –  35°C

For any enquiries regarding purchasing or using any of our products. Complete the contact form below, or contact us on 0800 522 533.
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About the

Masons provide a range of quality trade building products from a complete Enclosure Building Wrap System and Exterior Cladding, to Brick Reinforcement, and are a crucial supplier in the New Zealand building industry.

Masons strive to be at the forefront of developing innovative products that raise the standards of New Zealand building products.

Hydro™ Seal Bituminous Sealer, Damp-Proof MembraneMasons