Pinnacle Tile Patterned Wall Linings

Symphony Showers

Easy-clean, natural or gloss finish with no grout or exposed silicone joints to collect dirt or create mould zones.

Supplied in complete “upgrade kits” for your Symphony shower cubicle or as individual sheets.

Supplied in 2000H x 1200W x 3.2mm thick sheets.

Easy to install. Removes the requirement for waterproofing, tiling, and consent delays.

  • Category
    Shower Boxes
  • Range
  • Brand
    Symphony Showers
  • Warranty
    10 years
  • Enjoy the look of tiles, with the watertightness of a shower liner
  • Easy-clean, gloss finish with no grout or exposed silicone joints to collect dirt or create mould zones
  • Supplied in complete “upgrade kits” for your Symphony shower cubicle, or as individual sheets
  • 2000H x 1200W x 3.2mm thick sheets
  • Individual corner and straight joiners, and edge cappings also sold separately
  • Easy to install
  • Remove the requirement for waterproofing, tiling, and consent delays
Upgrade Kits

2 sided shower Subway gloss white: PWALLUGSUBWAY2S
3 sided shower Subway gloss white: PWALLUGSUBWAY3S
2 sided shower Hexagon gloss white: PWALLUGHEXAGON2S
3 sided shower Hexagon gloss white: PWALLUGHEXAGON3S

Single Sheets and Components

1200wx2000h Subway gloss white sheet: PWALLSUBWAYWH
1200wx2000h Hexagon gloss white: PWALLHEXAGONWH
Corner wall joiner Silva: PWALLCORNER
Straight wall joiner Silva: PWALLSTRAIGHT
Edge wall capping Silva: PWALLEDGE

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About the

We are a 100% New Zealand-owned and operated Auckland-based business. We’ve specialised in delivering showering solutions to the New Zealand market for over 35 years. Ethical and experienced, we have a nationwide sales team, plus we work alongside nationwide installers and after-sales partners.

Our products are displayed in selected retail stores across New Zealand, making for a convenient selection. Our focus is to deliver the latest in design and functionality at cost-effective price points. ​

Symphony Showers
Pinnacle Tile Patterned Wall LiningsSymphony Showers