Aircalin Sydney Office banner

Office Design
Aircalin's brief for this office design was to create an island feel without the grass hut. They wanted a sophisticated holiday feel- France in the Pacific

Reception Area
The reception area is the first impression customers receive of the office and instantly creates an idea in their mind as to the professionalism and pride of the company. This area is one that emphasises the company’s values and places within the market. It is imperative that the visitor feels welcome and is important by providing an area of refuge whilst waiting to be attended to. I

Reception Desk
The reception desk in this office design represents an island. The translucent Lucere represents the surrounding ocean and takes on a modified shape of the aeroplane wings, subtly emphasising the purpose of this company.

Executive offices
Glass was used to create a sense of openness and to allow light to filter to all areas of the office. A small meeting area was part of this office design, the glass table again creating a sense of space.

Subtle Branding
Branding of space was achieved through replicating the colours of the logo in the furniture and signage. The ottomans and all chairs were recovered in fabric to replicate the flower.  For before and afters of this renovation check out Aircalin Office Design Makeover 

Inspired Spaces beliefs
The team believes that interior design should reflect the brand and ethos of the company for commercial clients. No two clients have the exact same requirements; Robyn’s artistic vision and experience ensure each client is presented with a unique solution – not just her own personal style. Robyn understands her client’s lifestyle, taste and budget and transforms those parameters into the perfect space.

Photography: Hue Lambert

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Aircalin Sydney Office
Aircalin Sydney Office
Aircalin Sydney Office
Aircalin Sydney Office
Aircalin Sydney Office

Professionals used in
Aircalin Sydney Office

About the


As someone who’s always been passionate about design, I became the face behind Inspired Spaces when we launched in 2005.

Over the years, I’ve shared my expertise as an interior designer in several design publications, like the Sydney Hills Living Magazine. I’ve also been the judge for the Hills Building Design Awards, a key presenter of seminars at numerous expositions, and the industry representative for the HIA Trade Show.

I am also a member of both the Design Institute of Australia and The Colour Society of Australia.


The team believes that interior design should reflect the personality and life experience of a homeowner or, respectively, the brand and ethos of the company for commercial clients. No two clients have the exact same requirements; Robyn’s artistic vision and experience ensure each client is presented with a unique solution – not just her own personal style. Robyn understands her client’s lifestyle, taste and budget and transforms those parameters into the perfect space.


At Inspired Spaces, we work with clients and trades who are honest, trustworthy and have integrity. We work with clients and trades who value the expertise of the team at Inspired Spaces and as such respect our input, designs and creativity. Both our clients and trades are open to changes and do not believe in compromising the end result by taking shortcuts. Our clients and trades must reflect the values of Inspired Spaces.


The team of interior designers at Inspired Spaces design for the users of the space, whether they are a business or residential clients. They do this by understanding how a family function or the workflow of a business by drilling down to the last detail. To create the most creative space possible we will push your boundaries but at the same time respect your cultural backgrounds and/or business mores. Understanding a client’s budget is vital so that we create a solution that is within the constraints of your budget. We share our trade discounts with the client. The team firmly believes that a great design is a collaboration of interior designers, trades and clients and as such will work collaboratively with all concerned parties to ensure cohesion is evident at all stages of the process