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A contemporary, contextually sensitive take on the traditional garden folly, Ardbeg is a space for friends to be hosted, stories to be told and life’s simple pleasures to be enjoyed — like a fine whisky and the beauty of timber.

“Construction is changing, going through a process of re-examining inefficiency and dead space, its effect on the environment. This project was about designing with efficiency, realising you don’t need a grotesquely oversized home to create enjoyable space. I love efficiency. I think it’s the Scottish in me.”

"The client’s home is nestled into this beautiful cul-de-sac, backed by a reserve of Kauri trees. He loves hosting, he loves food. He's extremely good at both. He called me up one day and said he wanted to extend his inside living to the outdoors, to make use of his deck space all year round."

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About the

taylored studio is a design-led architectural practice led by William Taylor and founded in 2007.

Giving and sharing is the energy that drives us. The studio builds on William’s 20+ years of experience, both in New Zealand and overseas, and an unwavering desire to create spaces where people feel a sense of belonging.