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Blanket Bay Home

Specialists In Authentic Buildings

This project was a challenge to see if we could design & build a 2 storey Victorian Villa in the same style as some of the existing structures in Central Dunedin but keeping within the new building code and using 21st century technology. It was a labour of love and took almost 2 years to complete. All the timber joinery was hand made. The windows, with small pane astragals, the Kauri doors and kitchen bench tops and cabinetry. All the internal panelling and external decorative trim including extra thick banjo shaped barge boards.

In addition the main house we also built a small sleep-out in the same style. Both units had gas central heating the house having custom made cast iron decorative radiators through out.

See more images of this project at our website

About the

Mustard Construction Limited offer a full design and build service, with project management. We are happy to prepare your plans for building consent or work from existing architect drawings.

We specialise in the design and construction of brand new character & heritage style homes.

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Mustard Construction
