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Purchased in it’s original condition when first built in the early 90’s, the property was dated and catered to a different lifestyle to what my clients wanted.

The task at hand was to address my clients lifestyle and storage needs. Very generous sized bathrooms were made smaller to add much needed space and storage opportunities to both the kitchen and home office.

To invite the kitchen into the living areas, it was elongated, the counter angled outwards and curves added to the entry points, allowing a smooth transition between spaces.


With the use of complementary materials we created a dramatic yet beautiful flow of style throughout the entire apartment enabling the new owners a base to display their artwork as well as their adored Christopher Boots light collection.

The new kitchen, now the showstopper of this sub-penthouse, has become the central hub for long afternoons of entertaining guests.

Contemporary living on the beach with style and sophistication.

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Cronulla Beach

Professionals used in
Cronulla Beach

About the

We renovate existing properties with a mindful approach. Carefully preserving the essence of the building while harmonious infusing the personality of our clients.

Our Philosophy is grounded in the traditional approach of reusing what works well to reduce waste and expense.