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This new exhibition at the National Library in Wellington houses New Zealand’s three most important constitutional documents: 1835 He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni (Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand), 1840 Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi) and 1893 Women’s Suffrage Petition (Te Petihana Whakamana Pōti Wahine).

Opened in May 2017, the exhibition aims to improve access to the documents for all New Zealanders, ensure they are preserved for future generations and improve opportunities for sharing information about the documents’ constitutional and cultural significance.

The exhibition includes a document room with modern conservation technology to preserve the iconic documents as well as an interpretive space, which incorporates interactive features and learning areas.

Studio Pacific worked on this project with an extended creative team including cultural consultant Cliff Whiting, exhibition designers Story Inc, interactive designers Click Suite, structural engineers Dunning Thornton and services engineers eCubed.

Studio Pacific Architecture
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He Tohu Nga Aho Case Study

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He Tohu Exhibition

About the

Studio Pacific was established in Wellington in 1992 by the three directors: Nicholas Barratt-Boyes, Stephen McDougall and Evzen Novak.

Prior to establishing the studio, all three directors studied and/or worked together in New Zealand before working for a period in Europe: Evzen studied in Berlin and worked in Switzerland and London, while Nick and Stephen were based in London and worked on projects throughout the U.K. and Europe.

The collective international experience gained by the directors in Europe set the platform and influenced the direction of the practice. From early design competitions and small residential commissions, Studio Pacific has evolved into an award-winning substantial and creative practice with diverse projects throughout New Zealand. Particular recognition has been given to the studio for working with the arts, urban regeneration, housing, masterplanning and contemporary workspace planning.

Studio Pacific undertakes a large range of projects, from small individual furniture items to large projects involving entire new towns. Our small-scale work includes new houses, additions and alterations, and retail work. Our larger schemes include large multi-unit residential and commercial buildings as well as masterplans and landscaping.

We enjoy having a mix of project sizes and types in the studio – each project has different challenges, and offers varied opportunities for us to express our creativity in response.