Infomedia banner

Project // Infomedia
Location // Moorabbin
Size // 2,800m²

Infomedia is a global leader in the automotive industry for parts and services software. To suit, the client wanted a work environment that engendered an atmosphere of productivity and ingenuity.

Made For designed an office space that strikes a balance between playful and professional, both literally and metaphorically capturing the essence of a race track and all of its associations of speed, power and dynamism.  Built out of an old Moorabbin manufacturing plant, the new space pays homage to its automotive roots.

Speed lines from steel pipe wrap around the ceiling as a navigation device encircling the main workstation area. Tiered seating in the breakout room captures the spirit of stadium bleachers. Steel mesh caging encapsulating the main workstation mimics a racetrack catch fence. The floor is made from recycled car tyres and the office is fitted with an eight-metre-long Scalextrics model of Albert Park. There is also a ‘pit lane’ set up to look like service garages and intended for short duration meeting spaces.

“Converting a former parking garage into an office is never an easy task, but presented great architectural opportunities to work with the height and embrace the industrial nature of the building.”

Mitchell Jones, Creative Director – Made For

“To ensure the workplace wasn’t lost in the vastness we used lowered ceiling heights in key areas, and materials like mesh to create cosiness, while still heroing the volume of the space.”

Mitchell Jones, Creative Director – Made For

Made For
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We are a full-service architecture, interiors and strategy studio based in Melbourne, Australia. We specialise in workplace, commercial and public projects. We create exceptional spaces, delivered with clarity, made for people.

The pursuit of better work.