Inner City Townhouse banner

The section was just under 400m² with an old rotten bungalow on it that had to be pulled down after years of neglect. The brief was to design a high quality 4 bedroom townhouse on the site as part of an urban renewal project in Dunedin by Developers - Dunedin Residential Developments Ltd.

It is split level to allow compliance with the planning rules and is clad in cedar and plastered blockwork.

Dwelling Architectural Design
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About the


Designing is part of the process of creating, and it should be a process that is enjoyed by all – from the client to the sub-contractor. It is a chance to dream and the end result should be something that everyone is proud of.

Design needs to be sustainable, individual & tailored for the site. Thought needs to be given to materials, sun, views, prevailing wind, budget and how the client lives in order to make the final outcome relevant.

Design needs to be thorough with attention paid to detail. This is the art of communicating through drawings. Time and attention paid at the start, pays dividends during the build. Design decisions need to be made early. It is strange but true that to make something look simple and elegant takes more time, thought and detail than making a cluttered form.

Creating takes a team. For a build to be a successful, it takes teamwork from the client, the designer, consultants, the contractor and sub-contractors working towards a common goal. We are in this together and together we can come up with creative solutions. The job does not end when the design is complete but the designer needs to be involved until the end.

That is Dwelling’s goal – Creative, sustainable and thoughtful design, brought to life by a team that enjoys the process.