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London Road House sits calmly on a ridge in its bushland site.

Layers of transparency and screening control the reveal of major bush views while providing variation in the relationship between residents and the landscape.

Landscape is experienced through distant bush views to the south, while a landscaped sun terrace to the north brings light deep into the house.

Rich and tactile materials allow the house to age and settle into its bush setting.

Location: Turrbal Country.

Status: Construction to begin 2022.

Project Team: Justin Humphrey & Brittney Towse.

Justin Humphrey Architects
Mermaid Beach, Queensland
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London Road House
London Road House
London Road House
Ground Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
First Floor Plan

Professionals used in
London Road House

About the

We are a transparent architecture practice aimed at crafting sculptural solutions that strengthen the connection between people and the land on which they live.

We like to engage clients in all stages of the design process and be open about our design thinking. This tends to achieve a project direction that all parties are excited about and feel they have ownership of.

Our rigorous testing and design process results in strong solutions that are both highly functional and beautiful. We prefer warm, honest & tactile materials and always strive to create a strong connection with the landscape context of our projects. It is also important for us to design in consideration with local built form and history. This produces rich projects that are very much part of their place.

We’re Registered Architects in QLD & NSW. We welcome all enquiries, no matter where you are.