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NZ Centre for Conservation Medicine

The changing role of a modern zoo is reflected in this striking building; the state-of-the-art facility is the first national centre for conservation medicine anywhere in the world. The design had to promote the zoo’s involvement in the wider issues of endangered species preservation, and the ways in which the health of wildlife and human populations are interlinked. So, as well as meeting the day to day healthcare requirements of the park’s inhabitants, the building had to include a public education component.

The resulting building encompasses education and administration spaces, clinical rooms for diagnosis, research and surgery, accommodation for recovering and isolated animals and a zoo visitor area.

The public viewing gallery offers clear views into the centre’s laboratory, large treatment room and operating theatre. Cameras above the operating tables can relay action onto a large screen in the visitors gallery.

The design maximises the use of natural lighting and ventilation, and other environmentally friendly components include solar water heating, rain water collection for garden irrigation and the use of recyclable materials throughout. Plants used in traditional Maori medicine are included in the surrounding landscaping.

The sensitive design was recognised in the Property Council New Zealand’s 2008 awards, and the centre itself received a Community Service Special Purpose Merit Award in recognition of its striking design, architectural features and strong interface with the public.

Photography: Simon Devitt

NZ Centre for Conservation Medicine
NZ Centre for Conservation Medicine
NZ Centre for Conservation Medicine
NZ Centre for Conservation Medicine
NZ Centre for Conservation Medicine

Professionals used in NZ Centre for Conservation Medicine

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ASC Architects is one of New Zealand's leading architectural practices, and provides architectural and interior design services for projects throughout the country. Our role is to inspire belief and our strength is our people.

We stand out for our tenacity to shine over six decades: our ongoing commitment to design quality and personal service is demonstrated by our numerous awards and the number of clients who continue to use our services. The company's dynamism is reflected in its people, its projects and its ability to keep succeeding in the face of ever-changing tastes, trends and technologies.

Operating from central Auckland, ASC Architects provides a wide range of architect services for projects throughout New Zealand, as a member of Designgroup Consortium. We have a significant track record in the delivery of sustainable design and we are a member of the New Zealand Green Building Council.

The council is made up of industry leaders committed to developing market-based solutions that help deliver efficient, healthier, innovative buildings for New Zealand.

ASC Architects is committed to achieving consistently high standards of sustainability within our projects.

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