Rangiwaho banner

Nestled at the foot of the Wharerata Ranges, Rangiwaho marae is an off-the-grid redevelopment of a traditional marae. Sustainability is core to all aspects of the marae, and all decisions are made within a framework of kaitiakitanga and whanaungatanga. The project works with ideas of old and new, dark and light, public and private, serious and fun.

This development has been a 10 year journey, thus far producing the Wharenui, Wharekai, Wharepaku and Kauta. Future projects include site landscaping and Papakaenga.

The Wharenui is a modern interpretation of the traditional whare, reflecting the eponymous ancestor Rangiwaho, the male element. The Wharekai, Rongomaiwaiata, sits subservient and creates contrast as the female element. The wharekai’s visual and physical connection with the whenua is extremely important. It is positioned to capture the dawn sun, providing light and warmth.

We have blended the contemporary and the traditional in these warm, light and very natural buildings. A woven whariki (floor mat) was designed in collaboration with iwi artists and digitized to create a modern carpet which appears to have been woven in the traditional manner. Recently completed whakairo and toi (by Riki Manuel, Steve and Maia Gibbs, Melanie Tahata and Rangiwaho whanau) now adorn the Wharenui bringing a strong, vibrant feel to the Marae.

Photovoltaic panels, passive solar design, underfloor heating, composting toilets and natural ventilation strategies are all part of the design, helping to make this Marae a beacon of off-grid sustainability.

Ko Rangiiwaho Marae e tu nei, ko Rangiiwaho te Wharenui raua ko Rongomaiwaiata te Wharekai, ko Ngati Rangiiwaho te Hapu me Ngai Tamanuhiri te Iwi .. Mauri Ora!!

Photography: Strike Photography

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About the

We create spaces for people to be. We design buildings with courage, conviction and creativity. Architects 44 is an exuberant and dynamic architectural practice, with deep roots in Te Tairāwhiti. Our heritage goes back to the 1950s and we’re proud to have named our business for the physical space that our offices occupy, in a nod to our local heritage, to our place.

Our practice is the largest and most diverse architecture practice in Tairāwhiti. We build on our strong foundation to continuously develop and challenge ourselves.

Our team is experienced in delivering every type of project - from marae to monuments, from commercial buildings to churches, from rest homes to residential dwellings. We are well-equipped to deliver – from the largest commercial projects to the most intimate of residential renovations.

We offer a comprehensive service, delivering an end-result that addresses all the functional and technical requirements of the project, as well as addressing the real needs of the building – cultural and human.