Roy Sexton House banner

Roy Sexton House

The screened timber pod acts as a clear juxtaposition to its city fringe street.

This modern house sits effortlessly within its urban fringe context.

The long and narrow urban site provides multiple spaces that cater for different times of the day, week and year. The screened timber pod acts as a clear juxtaposition to its city fringe street which is predominately lined with early 20th century villas, post- war Californian Bungalows and non-descript 1970’s brick and tile buildings.

The vertical cedar batten screen envelops the upstairs façade of the building. This not only adds a unique characteristic to the building but also provides privacy and shading from the sun without compromising the views.

The small dwelling was fitted with open interior spaces. Windows were strategically placed to enhance light access and open up the space.    

About the

From architecture, landscape and urban design, to brand and way-finding + event and site experience, BOON are design thinkers, problem solvers and project managers working throughout New Zealand and beyond. 

BOON has been in business for over 45 years. Throughout this time our diverse project portfolio has been driven by taking on projects to make better communities.

