Texco banner

Project // Texco
Location // Hawthorn East
Size // 2000m²

Texco engaged Made For to deliver workplace strategy and design for the interior at their new Hawthorn East office.

A space that was built for work, with room to play. Formal meeting spaces located on ground floor to allow upstairs to remain as honest & collaborative as possible. With an emphasis on staff health and wellness, we incorporated an end of trip and a gym that wouldn’t seem out of place in a world class hotel.

Through the use of natural & honest materials, the team created a tasteful environment with a subtle hint of grit along with the consistent use of vertical geometry in varying applications to achieve a clear design language.

Rather than blaring brand values through the office, Made For collaborated with Australia’s best commercial photographer, Peter Clarke, to shoot live sites and feature this imagery on the walls to showcase Texco’s commitment to the process and not just the end product.

“Made For had a unique ability to ask the right questions, gather a clear understanding of our business, both functionally and culturally, challenge our traditional beliefs, and then execute that with precision in their design.”

Tom Bull, Director – Texco

“We see the modern interpretation of ‘branding’ an office space as capturing the DNA of that business, without needing to bring company colours, or writing values on feature walls. Texco are a progressive and polished outfit and down to the finest detail, their office tells that story. As a nod to their process (as a builder) we commissioned one of Australia’s best photographers Peter Clarke to visit sites and take in progress shots of their handiwork in action. These photos line the walls of the office, and really tie the design together.”

Mitchell Jones, Creative Director – Made For

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We are a full-service architecture, interiors and strategy studio based in Melbourne, Australia. We specialise in workplace, commercial and public projects. We create exceptional spaces, delivered with clarity, made for people.

The pursuit of better work.