Acrygloss® - The Ultimate High Gloss Finish

Sage Doors’ Acrygloss® features a special high gloss acrylic outer layer manufactured by Senosan - world leaders in scratch resistant acrylic manufacturing. This scratch resistant, acrylic finish offers many benefits, including a very durable & scratch resistant finish, a deep mirror-like reflection, and a consistent even colour.

Edged with a Laseredge™ clashing, Sage Doors creates the ultimate, seamless door. Acrygloss® doors are unique to Sage Doors – manufactured with critical care and precision to create quality doors.

The colour-matched polypropylene 1mm laser-edging creates a seamless, clean and crisp edge, forming a virtually invisible transition between the face of the door and the edging: there are no ugly glue lines with Acrygloss®!

The Polypropylene edgetape does not change colour overtime, even with exposure to New Zealand’s harsh UV light.

Cleaning gloss cabinetry has never been easier than with Acrygloss®. No extra polishing or curing time is required. Vuplex (an anti-static cleaner) is supplied free-of-charge with each order to ensure hassle-free cleaning. Any smudges can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.

  • Category
    Kitchen Cabinet Panels
Colour Range


  • crisp and clean like the South Island glaciers
  • Mitred Handle:      Yes
  • Thicknesses:           18mm, 32mm, 36mm, 60mm
  • Max Panel Size:     2775mm x 1195mm


  • white with a hint of warmth 
  • Mitred Handle:      Yes
  • Thicknesses:          18mm, 24mm, 32mm, 36mm, 60mm
  • Max Panel Size:     2775mm x 1195mm


  • black like an eagle
  • Mitred Handle:      Yes (whitening along edge due to the dark colour)
  • Thicknesses:          18mm, 36mm, 60mm
  • Max Panel Size:     2775mm x 1195mm


  • like the stars in the milky-way galaxy on a clear summer night
  • Mitred Handle:      Yes (plain black edge – whitening along edge due to dark colour)
  • Thicknesses:          18mm, 36mm, 60mm
  • Max Panel Size:     2775mm x 1195mm


  • a popular grey metallic 
  • Mitred Handle:      Yes (plain grey edge – whitening along edge due to dark colour)
  • Thicknesses:          18mm, 36mm, 60mm
  • Max Panel Size:     2775mm x 1195mm


  • like the soft sand on your favourite beach
  • Mitred Handle:      No – contact us if required
  • Thicknesses:          18mm
  • Max Panel Size:     2775mm x 1195mm


  • sure to cheer anyone up!
  • Mitred Handle:      No
  • Thicknesses:          18mm
  • Max Panel Size:     2775mm x 1195mm
Specs / Details


Sage Doors have chosen Senosan 1800X acrylic for their Acrygloss finish. Senosan GmbH, an Austrian based, plastic sheeting company has achieved a worldwide recognition for their scratch resistant, high gloss acrylic films.


The acrylic is pressed onto MDF in European factories on world-leading machinery. We have visited these factories to ensure we can be confident with the quality of the product and the way it is produced.


We use a matching MKT Alpha-Tape PP Excellent Gloss edgetape to create a virtually seamless transition between the face of the panel and the edge.


Acrygloss® is easy to clean. With each order we supply a can of VuPlex, a special high gloss surface cleaner. VuPlex removes the static on the surface, making finger prints a thing of the past. The surface can easily be wiped clean using a soft, damp cloth. Refer to our cleaning instructions for more information.

Reflect yourself in your work, and invest in the future by choosing Sage Doors’ scratch resistant Acrygloss® next time you require high gloss doors or panels.

Get in touch
If you have any questions or you’d like samples of any of our door profiles you've seen please contact us here.
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About the

We don't just make doors, we open doors. 
At Sage Doors, we open the door to modern, affordable and high quality doors throughout NZ. 

Our machinery. Our materials. Our men.

Our doors aren’t just any doors – they’re backed by our 3 ‘M’s - without these m’s, our doors wouldn’t be Sage Doors. They wouldn’t be be our trademarked brand names Acrygloss, Acrymatte, Invisedge, Timbalook, Lookcrete & Textaura. 

They would just be doors.

We’ve travelled around the globe to find the highest quality materials. We’ve speced out our machinery to our requirements. We’ve made our own machinery that we couldn’t buy. When the door is closed, we open it… so that you don’t need to! 

Sage Doors manufactures cabinetry doors & roller doors for the trade all over New Zealand. A NZ-family-owned business, Sage Doors has been operating for over 40 years, with a focus on quality and ingenuity to make the best product possible. We can't wait to work with you soon!