A timeless classic and one of New Zealand’s most utilised roofing profiles. Corrugate roofing is equally suited for setting trends as a modern roofing solution or recapturing the style of yester-year. Roll formed to the traditional, gentle curved profile, this corrugated iron roofing is light, strong and functionally versatile, making it popular for domestic, rural and commercial applications.

Corrugate is intended for use as long run roofing, wall cladding and internal lining.

VersatilityCorrugate can be used either vertically or horizontally as a cladding. It is also ideal for feature walls, fences and screens.

Long RunModern roll forming technology allows Corrugate roofing and cladding to be manufactured in continuous lengths.

CurvingWhen manufactured from .55mm G300 steel, corrugated roofing and cladding is ideal for roll curving. It can be machine rolled to a minimum inside radius curve of 400cm for a variety of applications including barrel ridges, corners on walls that are clad horizontally, and bull nose curves.

Colour ChoiceA wide range of standard colours is available. Additional colours and coatings are available on request.

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    Steel Roofing
Branch Locations




Wellington–Wairarapa–HorowhenuaPhone 04 566 1971, Fax 04 566 1921Email brp@roofing.co.nz 49 Rutherford Street, Lower Hutt




Nelson–West CoastPhone 03 544 3108, Fax 03 544 3109Email freeman@roofing.co.nz4 Elms Street, Stoke



Marlborough–North CanterburyPhone 03 578 8793, Fax 03 578 8028Email roofline@roofing.co.nz31 Stuart Street, Blenheim



Ashburton-Canterbury CentralPhone 03 307 0593, Fax 03 307 0594Email clrash@roofing.co.nz42 J B Cullen Drive, Ashburton Business Estate



Timaru–South CanterburyPhone 03 688 7224, Fax 03 688 7231Email clrtim@roofing.co.nz154 Meadows Road, Timaru



Dunedin–Otago–SouthlandPhone 03 488 2881, Fax 03 488 2661Email roofsol@roofing.co.nz65 Main South Road, Green Island



QueenstownPhone 03 442 3883, Fax 03 442 3887Email qr@roofing.co.nzGlenda Dve, Frankton



WanakaPhone 03 443 1250, Fax 03 443 6578Email wrs@roofing.co.nz132 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka


Both COLORSTEEL® Maxx® and COLORSTEEL® Endura® have residential warranties available. The product used and the location of the building determines the warranty period. The New Zealand Building Code (BIA B2.3.1 Durability) has indicated that non-structural roofing shall have a minimum durability of 15 years (with maintenance).

Our residential roofing warranties meet this requirement. Cladding, fascia and rainwater products also meet the appropriate durability requirements.

The environment of the building location dictates the warranty term.

The New Zealand Steel Environmental Categories Guide has warranty periods, product recommendations, maintenance requirements and product usage restrictions.


The Freeman Roofing are experienced roof installers for the South Island and lower North Island. We provide metal roofing installation Wellington, Nelson and South Island wide. We have roofing installers who are Licensed Building Practitioners. They can take care of any re-roof or new roof installation project, no matter how big or small. We also provide accessory and guttering installation. Contact one of our Branches to discuss your requirements!

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About the

Freeman Roofing is one of New Zealand's largest manufacturers of metal roof, rainwater and wall cladding products. Founded in 1956, Freeman Roofing has grown to eleven full-service roll-forming facilities in Dunedin, Queenstown, Wanaka, Ashburton, Timaru, Blenheim, Nelson, Greymouth, Tauranga, Whangarei and Wellington.

Freeman Roofing is 100% New Zealand. Each of our factories/branches is configured to produce products that match the region's unique conditions. Freeman Roofing people are local industry experts passionate about their craft and your building project, big or small.

Our main supplier is NZ Steel (TM), and we have been purchasing the steel made at their Glenbrook steel mill, south of Auckland since the mid-1960s under the patented and well-known brands of COLORSTEEL(R) and ZINCALUME(R)

Freeman Roofing
Corrugate Iron RoofingFreeman Roofing