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Cost effective, sturdy and versatile. Quality at an excellent price. A range of styles are available with semi-frameless, framed and incorporated handrail options

The premium post system provides a barrier with minimal obstruction to your view. The clean lines of the exposed top and lower edges of the glass capture the frameless look of our other styles, but are typically more friendly on the wallet. For the lowest cost option, we offer the same style system encorporating a matched handrail so that regular toughened safety glass can be used.

A wide range of Unex Balustrading styles are available. The most common glass based styles are shown below but there are more to choose from (including options for post and rail only). Give us a call on 0508 452 777 to discuss all of the options available.

  • Category
    Glass Balustrades
  • Range
    Balustrade + Pool Fences
  • Brand
    Haynes Glass


Vetro Glass spans between two posts and is held in place by slotted recesses in the posts. The stylish frameless appearance comes from favouring glass over railing and leaving clean exposed top and lower edges. However, as there is no handrail laminated styles of glass must be used to hold glass in place in the event of a breakage.


A unique system with glass spanning between two posts. Like the Vetro system, glass is supported by the recesses in the posts leaving clean exposed top and lower edges. A Spectra system is semi-frameless but the built in rail allows for standard toughened glass panels to be used and reduces the cost.


The most cost effective option, Decor systems are fully framed and allow for glazed safety glass panels. No exposed edges means no additional glass edge processing and a handrail is incorporated for maximum safety.



Post balustrades are constructed from high strength aluminium with stainless steel fasteners and either a powdercoated or anodized finish. All of our balustrades comply with the NZ building code.

Multiple Applications

Post balustrades can be used in residential or commercial settings. From single residences and apartment buildings to offices and high rises. There are matched gates for pool fencing.


Available in anodized or a selection of custom powdercoated finishes to suit any deck. All of the post styles can be used for balconies and pool fences in both top-mount and face-fixed options.

Glass Types

12mm toughened safety glass (top rail - or if not protecting a fall)

If used in a pool fencing or balustrading scenario when not protecting a fall greater than 1m the more cost effective toughened safety glass can be used. The glass is 12-15mm thick and clamped into the posts. In the unlikely event of a breakage, the glass shatters into small fragments.

Although the small individual fragments may be sharp on some edges, it is far less dangerous than the shards produced if a sheet of traditional float glass breaks.

For balconies or raised applications a top rail must be used with this style of glass.

Sentry glass - toughened and laminated (for safety in protecting a fall)

For the frameless look when protecting a fall greater than 1 metre, Sentry (or EVA Laminated) Glass must be used. Highly resistance to collapse, Sentry Glass interlayers are five times stronger and up to 100 times more rigid than other conventional interlayers. The interlayer stays together and upright even when both panes of glass have been broken.

If the glass ever breaks, fragments remain firmly bonded to the sentry glass interlayer, eliminating glass falling to the ground or over the edge.The glass retains its clarity, is extremely durable and resistant to clouding.

SKU: full-he-1
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About the

We view every Kiwi home as a special investment warranting attention to detail in all construction elements and finishings. It's more than just glazing to fit a purpose. It's about adding value.

Specialists in commercial and residential glazing projects. Sound advice and years of experience installing balustrades, pool fencing, showers, mirrors and splashbacks to the Greater Auckland region. We work closely with architects, builders, homeowners, renovators and commercial fit-out operators. We are your go-to, can-do Kiwi family glass business!

100% NZ owned and operated. Ensuring pride, care and quality service.


Haynes Glass
Haynes Glass Aluminium Post Balustrade SystemsHaynes Glass