Roll to Roof: Onsite rollforming direct to roof level

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A new addition to Dimond’s existing mobile rollforming capability, the Roll to Roof service sees the mobile equipment craned to the building’s roof level to rollform direct to the building, rather than the roof being rollformed at ground level then craned onto the roof for installation. This has multiple advantages, including removing the requirement for onsite material storage and reducing the site space required for processing.

See how it is used on a project here.


The Roll to Roof system streamlines the two-step process of rolling and shaping the steel roof at ground level and craning it into place, into one continuous process that is completed on the roof.

Two containers are used, the smaller one to hold the de-coiler, and a larger one to hold the roll forming machine. These containers are craned into place and are secured to anchor points during operation, with the containers being movable to different sections of the roof. The containers are also brought back to ground level for a coil change.

The pioneer project conducted using the Roll to Roof method was in conjunction with Kiwi Roofing Ltd on a 75,000m2 new distribution centre for Foodstuffs located within AIAL’s The Landing Business Park. The project proved to be a real success, with demonstrated benefits including:

  • Cost savings — including reducing the need for the usual amount of on-ground support staff normally needed with a traditional mobile model. By rolling directly at roof level, the amount of labour required is reduced.
  • Time savings — by rolling directly to the roof significant time benefits are achieved, indicatively for this particular project, a higher than expected amount of time savings was produced.
Health & Safety

Paramount to the process is Health and Safety. Given the rollforming is being conducted at height, the Health and Safety protocols associated with the traditional mobile rollforming process were adjusted, this included the Health and Safety induction process and the focuses of daily toolbox meetings, crane exclusion zones, PPE requirements and wind controls.

For an overview as to the Health & Safety processes involved in our Roll to Roof offer see the video below:

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About the

For over 50 years Dimond Roofing has been a leading supplier to the New Zealand construction industry. We offer the leading range of long run roofing, cladding, architectural tray, and solar roofing products across New Zealand. These products are used by homeowners, commercial building owners, builders and farmers across the country.

To do this we operate with team of 190 staff through a national network of 11 branches. We are guided by a set of principles based on continuous improvement, which include:

  • Dependability – homeowners, architects and roofing installers can depend on our performance
  • Honesty – you can trust us to be upfront and honest at all times
  • Innovative – we strive to bring new products and systems to the market on a regular basis

The team at Dimond Roofing are passionate about one thing – giving our customers an edge in business.

While Dimond Roofing does not offer an installation service, it can recommend some amazing residential and commercial installers.

Dimond Roofing is widely regarded as the industry experts. With a dedicated technical team for Architects and Specifiers and a full range of CAD details, we're here to help whether you're working on a new building or additions & alterations. See our Technical Manual to access a full range of details and installation guidelines.

As part of the Fletcher Steel group of companies, you can rest assured we are always striving to improve our offer to you and to provide New Zealand with quality products and service.