
ST963 Roofing | Cladding is a profiled metal roofing and cladding profile manufactured by Steel & Tube, having 4 trapezoidal ribs of 46mm in height. Unique design enhancements stiffen the rib shape to provide industry-leading resistance to both wind uplift and point load distortion. 


  • ST963 is manufactured in Auckland and Christchurch
  • Minimum pitch 3°
  • Superior rib strength resulting in less damage to roof during both construction and serviceable life.
  • Groove at rib apex adds strength.
  • 46mm rib height — reduced fixing costs due to shorter screws.
  • 4 rib profile – potentially reducing fixings required.
  • Extended leg on under lap rib prevents distortion of the male rib when fastened.
  • Notching/rake cutting — less time cutting around ribs.
  • 3 pans leads to a time saving in turn up/turn down.
  • 230mm wide pan means it is easy to walk over the roof.
  • Strong pan swages means reduced damage from foot traffic.
  • Distinct capillary groove creates positive water tight lap.
  • Lapping innovation eliminates creep during installation.
  • Profile washer — unique design very strong for high wind loads.
  • Purlin spacing is up to 4.5m in .55 and 3m .40 (subject to design loading).
  • Easy to attach solar installations for commercial and residential.
  • Category
    Aluminium Roofing, Metal Cladding, Steel Roofing

Scope of use

  • ST963 is suitable for a wide range of end uses including roof and wall cladding, ceilings and linings.
  • For structures requiring compliance with NZBC Clause E2, the minimum pitch is 3°.
  • ST963 can be spring curved in 0.55 mm BMT thickness G550 steel to a minimum radius of 60 metres.
  • Roof runs in excess of 80 metres should be checked for water run-off capacity. Provision for thermal expansion should be considered for lengths in excess of 18 metres in steel and 12 metres for other materials. 


  • Maintenance of steel substrates must be carried out in accordance with New Zealand Steel Specifiers and Builders Guide.
  • Generally, required maintenance of exposed well washed roof areas is rainfall only, with an annual inspection to check on the build-up of any contaminants. Sheltered roof areas, walls, and areas subject to the build up of contaminants will require programmed maintenance to provide design life expectations.
  • Maintenance of other substrates should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements for the specific environment and application. 


  • A list of local installers for your area and contract type is available from your local Steel & Tube branch or our website www.steelandtube.co.nz 
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About the

Steel & Tube is one of New Zealand’s leading providers of steel solutions, and a proud New Zealand company, with over 70 years of trading history.

We offer a comprehensive range of steel products, services and solutions available in the market, and our stable of best-in-class businesses are some of this country’s leading steel suppliers. We distribute and process a range of products from nuts and bolts, to roofing and reinforcing and through to the largest structural steel products. This guide provides an overview of our wide range of products across multiple sectors including Building & Construction, Manufacturing & Industrial and Rural: www. https://steelandtube.co.nz/catalogues/group-product-guide

As experts in our field, we pride ourselves on being able to offer a consistent end-to-end customer experience, advising, sourcing and supplying customers with their steel requirements. And underlying everything we do is our continued commitment to quality. We play a key role in supporting New Zealand’s economic growth and development. With a national network of branches and distribution centres, we are wherever you need us.

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Steel & Tube
ST963 Roofing | CladdingSteel & Tube