Whether building a new home, renovating an existing one, or simply replacing an old roof, choosing the right roofing solution is one of the most important decisions to be made. Viking CertainTeed Asphalt Shingles are the superior pitched roofing solution.

Asphalt shingles are individual bituminous sheets (usually 915mm long), nailed on top of a timber-sarked roof substrate with either a layer of bitumen felt or self-adhering membrane in-between. The ‘shingled’ (overlapped) method of shingle installation, provides maximum watershed and the ridge-vent system on the roof’s apex ensures the building is adequately ventilated.

Viking’s CertainTeed Asphalt shingles are composed of a strong fibre-glass mat base. Asphalt is applied over this and ceramic-coated mineral granules are embedded in the water-resistant asphalt. These ceramic granules provide UV resistance and come in a wide colour range. CertainTeed asphalt shingles have proven their durability by withstanding extreme conditions in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands over the last 25 years.

To view our full asphalt shingle colour range click here

For a list of Viking CertainTeed Asphalt Shingles accessories click here.

For all Viking CertainTeed Asphalt Shingles specification documents, CAD details, product technical statements, and BRANZ certificates click here.

  • Category
    Roof Shingles and Shakes
  • Range
    Shingle and Tile Roofing
Specs / Details

Product Benefits

  • Over 40 colour and profile combinations
  • Designed for climatic weather extremes
  • Wind resistance of up to 205 km/h for certain profiles
  • Thousands of installations in NZ and the Pacific
  • Installed only by a Viking Approved Applicator
  • Lightweight roofing option (half the weight of a concrete, clay or slate tile roof)
  • Water potability certified
  • UV resistant
  • Mildew and salt resistant
  • High impact resistant
  • Proprietary ventilation system
  • Proprietary accessories
  • 30-50 year product warranties
  • Full System Warranty Option: 30-50 years
  • BRANZ Appraised (Appraisal No. 276)

Asphalt shingles are a popular choice among many building owners who enjoy the diverse benefits they offer from aesthetics to superior performance.

Other Profiles

Viking CertainTeed Landmark – Full of character

A versatile laminated shingle designed to evoke the depth and surface texture of natural roofing materials. Landmark shingles provide a look that is both striking and classic. Viking CertainTeed Landmark offers a 30-year product warranty and wind resistance of up to 175kph (‘Very high’ wind zone rating)

Viking CertainTeed Highland Slate – Natural Luxury

The Highland Slate shingle has texture and tone of traditional slate. Its regular tabs with bevelled edges are individually coloured with precision technology creating rich colours and contrast for a stunning curb-side view. With a heavy-duty construction, Highland Slate has been designed to handle the toughest weather extremes. Viking CertainTeed Highland Slate offers a 50-year product warranty and wind resistance of up to 205kph (‘Extra high’ wind zone rating when installed to a nailing specification).

Viking CertainTeed Presidential Shake – Classic

Presidential Shake is a luxury shingle created to deliver the charm and character of hand-split wood shakes with the durability and strength that presides over wood in virtually every surrounding. Viking CertainTeed Presidential Shake offers a 50-year product warranty and wind resistance of up to 205kph (‘Extra high’ wind zone rating when installed to a prescribed minimum nailing specification).

For a list of Viking CertainTeed Asphalt Shingles accessories click here.

For all Viking CertainTeed Asphalt Shingles specification documents, CAD details, product technical statements, and BRANZ certificates click here.

Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality waterproofing and roofing materials and is proud to be 100% owned and operated.
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About the

Viking Roofspec is a market leading provider of quality waterproofing and roofing materials and is proud to be 100% owned and operated.

Keeping water on the outside.

Whether it's a home or commercial building, Viking's Roofing, Decking and below-ground waterproofing systems, keep water out and ensure it stays out... for good.

Viking Roofspec is a market-leading provider of quality roofing and waterproofing materials. We've been protecting properties in New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and even Antarctica for nearly 50 years.

We work closely with all key stakeholders during the development of a building or home. From design through to specification and installation, we provide advice and support where required. We take a full system approach to waterproofing to ensure a watertight, professional finish is achieved.

Viking Roofspec
Viking CertainTeed Asphalt ShinglesViking Roofspec