Anzac Bus Shelter - Lower Hutt banner

Anzac Bus Shelter - Lower Hutt

Andy Spain Photography: Anzac Bus Shelter - Lower Hutt showcase.

Products used in Anzac Bus Shelter - Lower Hutt

About the

I'm an architectural photographer who moved from London to Wellington in 2015 with my family. I've spent the last 15 years working with architects, developers, magazines and design agencies photographing projects.

Since moving to NZ I've been fortunate enough to work with leading architects on residential, commercial and government buildings from Stewart Island in the South to Hokianga in the North. My work has helped my clients win a number of NZIA awards and gain a global reach.

I maintain copyright on all my images. Any third party wishing to make use of the images need to purchase their own rights. 

Andy Spain Photography
Andy Spain Photography
