No of Dwellings: 17
Zoning: Mixed Housing Urban
Higher end medium density residential development (terrace housing)
Layout of dwellings on the site designed to maximise available outlook toward Rangitoto. Strong rhythym in the architectural forms was required to break up the long elevation. 6 different building typologies split across 2 different wings are used throughout the development in a combination of 2 and 3 story dwellings. The 3 story dwellings provide internal access garage with space for 2 stack parks and 4 bedrooms while the 2 story option has a similar configuration with 2 stack carparks and 3 bedrooms. The average gross floor area of a typical dwelling is around 200 square metres.
Greg Turner
BArch Registered Architect
Greg graduated from Auckland Architecture school in 1991. Since then he has been involved in a wide range of projects including large scale mixed use (retail/civic and residential) commercial, industrial, education, civic, residential both new build and alterations/ additions. He has practiced as an architect in New Zealand for 15 years and in the UK for 5 years and has developed a unique freehand approach to quickly present ideas and resolve design issues. Greg has also provided concept and illustration work to other architects and designers over the years.
Rhondda Turner
BArch Registered Architect
Rhondda graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from Auckland University in 1994. She has over 20 years architectural experience in both design and project management, with the last 2 years as a registered architect. Rhondda became a full-time partner of GNR Studio in 2012. She is currently working on a number of multi-lot residential development projects responsible for concept and developed design. Prior to registration she was involved in design and building consent documentation for both new build and residential alterations projects across Auckland.
During 2007/ 2008 Rhondda worked part time checking plans for Auckland Council and so has a detailed understanding of the New Zealand Building Code and regulatory environment.
Rhondda’s experience extends into Project Management on government led projects in London and Auckland. Project Manager for the South-East London Shared Service Partnership involved in setting up and coordinating project teams for the creation of Childcare and Children Centres, an initiative rolled out through the National Health Service. In New Zealand Rhondda worked as a Project Manager on a number of projects for the Ministry of Social Development including office fit-outs for Child, Youth and Family Centres.