Grenada North banner

This Tennent Brown-designed home has been described as an elegant shed, stretching across a windswept hill with panoramic views. Designed to blend into its location, the stunning home features metal cladding, solar efficiencies, a central winter garden, and an adjustable dining/living room wall that caters for both the owner and any guests. All of these features came about from communicating with the client about her lifestyle and her background, as she wanted a home that reflected her childhood in the countryside.

Architect: Tennent Brown

Scotty's Construction
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Scotty’s Construction is an award winning, residential building company based in Wellington, New Zealand. 
At Scotty’s we value the relationship we have with our team, our clients, architects, sub-contractors and suppliers. Focusing on being open and transparent has enabled us to get the best results for our clients and for the last five consecutive years (2015-2019) we have been the only residential company in the Wellington/Wairarapa region to qualify for Master Builders National House of the Year Awards.

Our success is built on being invited as advisors from day one to make sure your vision is realised, within your budget and to a high quality standard, whether you’re renovating your kitchen or designing your dream home. 
We have the experience and skills to help with your project. Bring us in as advisors from day one and we’ll make sure your vision is realised, within your budget and to a high quality standard, whether you’re renovating your kitchen or designing your dream home.