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Grey House

The front section of this beautiful home is encompassed in Espan® 340 with cedar-clad gables while the back section is cedar-clad with an Espan® roof. The owners wanted to create differences in the sections of the home, rather than just have a monolithic black form.

“Because it’s a relatively long house, I wanted to move away from horizontal weatherboards and give it some versatility with the cedar cladding and the Espan® 340"

A Simple Style:
The combination of the dark roofing and cladding along with the cedar allowed each material to stand out in it's own form, and the choice of the bold half round gutter gives the entire build a stylish yet contemporary finish.

The owner noted "The wide metal tray for the cladding and roofing gives a unique, timeless look that is comparatively maintenance-free.”

Architect - Phil Grey, Warren and Mahoney Architects

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